ASDAPAPER paper glue: purpose, varieties, composition, application rules

The use of various types of wallpaper when decorating walls in residential, public, administrative and other types of premises is the most popular, sought-after way to carry out cosmetic repairs. Paper glue in Tashkent is in high demand among the widest client audience.

In order for the new surface to serve for a long time and reliably, it is important to make the right choice and profitably order paper glue that meets all the requirements in all respects. It is equally important that such paper adhesive for vinyl wallpaper and other types of finishing materials, with high quality, reliability, strength and durability, remains inexpensive.

In general, ASDPAPER paper adhesives consist of the following main components:

Additives made from high quality cellulose. It is they that form the highest adhesive properties of the product and give the finished vinyl wallpaper adhesive the necessary consistency.

Environmentally friendly bio-additives, fungicides in paper vinyl adhesive that protect surfaces from the formation of fungus, mold and keep the gaps between concrete walls and material clean and tidy.
Modified starch or chalk, which is the main filler, the most important component included in the finished paper glue. As a rule, such additives are necessary if paper non-woven glue is produced, which involves pasting walls with heavy wallpaper (as well as paper methylan glue).

Paper glue composition:

Universal paper glue, developed and sold at our enterprise, is a high-quality product, produced in the form of dry chips with a loose structure and perfectly white color. It is the white color of the product that indicates that the paper adhesive on the wall meets all norms and quality standards.

The paper adhesive for non-woven wallpaper developed by the company is certified in accordance with all international quality standards and domestic GOST. The most demanded adhesive for wallpaper CMC, which has a universal composition. It is used with pleasure by professional workers, repairmen and private users who have appreciated the beneficial advantages of the product. PVA paper glue, as well as other analogues, is completely safe, environmentally friendly, economical and easy to prepare.

Paper glue

Closed in airtight bags, paper glue for heavy wallpaper can be stored for a long time, without losing its original parameters and properties. The chips are diluted with ordinary water, in just 15-20 minutes the composition swells and becomes fully prepared for use. If it is necessary to ensure the storage of a liquid substance - the limitation period is no more than 7 days. This applies to all varieties of wallpaper paste in Tashkent and throughout the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, manufactured by ASDAPAPER.

Production of paper glue ASDAPAPER

Our company specializes in the production of wallpaper glue and its sale. We supply paper glue to Uzbekistan in bulk, in small and large quantities, ensuring the delivery of a high-quality product at a bargain price. Our premium paper glue, as well as other types of products, is an order of magnitude cheaper than paper glue of such well-known world brands as PUFAS, VINIX, ACM, KLEO.

If you need paper CMC glue to buy with a quality guarantee and at an affordable price - please contact us! We have the widest range of products in the country. Each user can choose the adhesive for non-woven wallpaper in the amount necessary for doing business. We also offer glue for corrugated boxes, as well as inexpensive but extra strong glue for kraft bags.

Purchasing paper glue ASDAPAPER

Our specialized company produces exactly such products, offering to buy ASDAPAPER paper glue, which in all main parameters corresponds to the best world standards, but is much cheaper.

All products are certified, the trademark is approved for sale within the framework of the Customs Union. We have the best paper glue in Uzbekistan, products are becoming more and more popular in foreign countries.